The Times Of Liberland

Pakistan: The 4-day Training Workshop by the Peace and Education Foundation has Concluded in Islamabad

Pakistan: The 4-day Training Workshop by the Peace and Education Foundation has Concluded in Islamabad

A four-day training workshop was organized by Peace and Education Foundation in Islamabad in which media influencers associated with print media, electronic media and social media from various districts and cities of Punjab province and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province including the federal capital participated. According to the details, women and men working on various religious topics, minority affairs and social harmony were included in the training workshop. The participants vowed to play an effective role for the promotion of peace and tolerance.

The objective of the workshop was to increase the capacity of media influencers associated with different faiths and sects of thought so that they can promote the message of harmony and peace through various media platforms. On the four days of the workshop, the trainers and senior journalists in their sessions discussed the importance of electronic, print and social media, journalistic etiquette, media laws, social discourse and role of media, fake news and critical thinking, media and promotion of peace and tolerance.
Conducted practical activities to develop media skills and media seed projects for peace and tolerance.

In the workshop, renowned journalist Rashad Bukhari spoke about fake news and the professional responsibilities required to address it, while Rehman Azhar spoke to the participants about media laws. Ghulam Murtaza, Director of Peace and Education Institute and Social Development Researcher, while clarifying the objectives of the workshop, said that through this workshop, we will increase the capacity of media influencers to try to stop the growing extremism in the society and through media seed projects. Want to convey the message of peace to the people in a more effective manner.

In the workshop, renowned trainer Dr. Muhammad Hussain talked to the participants about stopping the growing violence in the society through education and understanding at the social level. Media trainer and well-known anchorperson Sabukh Syed gave practice on responsible performance of journalistic duties through critical thinking, while digital media trainer Samir Ali Khan gave a session on technical skills of using social media and social narratives. The participants expressed their interest and commitment through various projects and will fulfill their professional responsibilities well in the future for the promotion of peace, tolerance and religious harmony.

In the concluding ceremony, President Radio Pakistan Manzoor Kamran and Director Ghulam Murtaza expressed their views and distributed certificates among the participants. The participants and guests of the workshop appreciated this initiative of the Institute of Peace and Education and called the effective use of media for the promotion of peace and tolerance as the need of the hour and assured their all kinds of support in this regard.

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