The Times Of Liberland

Liberland: 8Th Anniversary Celebration Report

liberland 8th Anniversary Report

April 13-15, Ark Village, Apatin, Northern Serbia: Liberland , founded on April 13, 2015, on Thomas Jefferson’s birthday, commemorated its 8th anniversary with a festive celebration and a crypto conference.

The event, held at the Ark Liberland Village Liberland , attracted numerous attendees from the world of blockchain and cryptocurrency and featured speeches by key government officials, including the President, Minister of Justice, and Minister of Finance.

In his address, the President reflected on the progress since Liberland’s inception and outlined upcoming developments. 

The Minister of Justice informed the audience of the recent developments in the process of drafting the Constitution and the first Liberland laws and announced the upcoming judiciary on the blockchain project.

The Minister of Finance emphasized the importance of adopting modern technology for building a 21st-century state while maintaining a human touch.

A significant highlight of the event was the launch of the Liberland blockchain, the first public blockchain to operate a government. The head developer detailed the ongoing onboarding phase, with the expectation that Liberland’s democracy would begin operating once 65% of citizens are onboarded. 

In the heart of Liberland’s democratic system lies the blockchain, which hosts every legislative bill as it undergoes the mandatory Referendum process required for bills to become laws of Liberland. 

The Congress, comprised of the primary law proposers, operates through a unique delegation of votes. This system allows voters to delegate or withdraw their trust at any given moment, thus restoring the principle of representation within a representative democracy.

The blockchain is not limited to legislative functions, as it also encompasses various executive tasks such as government registries. The ultimate goal is to establish a comprehensive e-government, akin to those in tech-oriented western nations like Estonia, built upon a public blockchain.

The Liberland Senate emerges as a guardian of the republic, ensuring fiscal responsibility and stability. The Senate possesses the authority to veto any legislative proposal and regulate spending, making it a crucial institution for the flourishing nation.

Furthermore, Liberland’s judiciary is transitioning from its conceptual stage to active development. Merging traditional justice systems with blockchain-based game theoretical concepts, the judiciary aims to establish a novel institution for adjudication and arbitration. Its potential impact is expected to extend far beyond the borders of Liberland, revolutionizing the way justice is served.

The blockchain will not only facilitate democracy and promote liberty but also support traditional decentralized economy applications, including decentralized exchanges, lending protocols, and online marketplaces.

Vice-President Boguslaw Wozniak, speaking remotely, shared, amongst other matters, a recent development in Liberland’s diplomatic recognition efforts: a motion by an Illinois legislator for state-level recognition.

The conference also included discussions on cryptocurrency and freedom-related subjects, such as privacy, trustlessness, and the decentralized economy.

In a special announcement, the President unveiled plans for the first Liberland seastead, aiming to create a thriving community of 1,000 to 5,000 residents with state-of-the-art facilities like schools, hospitals, restaurants, hotels, gyms, data centers, and other amenities to ensure a high-quality lifestyle.

This seasteading project is designed to complement Liberland’s statehood establishment efforts in its Gornja Siga territory. As mentioned during the anniversary, recent international developments have led to significant breakthroughs in this regard. Updates will be provided as the situation progresses toward a favorable resolution.


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