The Times Of Liberland

Child Sex Abuse: The Circumstances That Creates A Child Abuser

Child Sex Abuse: The Circumstances That Creates A Child Abuser

Today, we are standing at the point of this advanced age where neither infallibility nor faith is safe. The monster of sexual brutality is standing with its open mouth to swallow us and we watch it step towards us as a figure of helplessness, not knowing when our houses or society will be engulfed by it. We are not willing to look for its cause or to focus on the remedies.

The general public opinion in Pakistan regarding the child sexual abuse is that it is a serious issue that needs to be addressed and perpetrators to be punished. However, there is also a culture of silence and stigma surrounding the topic, which can make it difficult for survivors to come forward and seek justice.

It’s also important to recognize that punishment alone is not enough to address the root causes of sexual abuse. Prevention and education are key, and this includes promoting healthy attitudes towards relationships, gender, and sexuality, as well as teaching the consent and boundary settings.

In this regard, we conducted a survey and the answers are as mentioned below;

According to the law, the punishment should be 14-year imprisonmentThe law should be amended by hanging or stoning  Extra Judicial MurderThe identity card of the accused should be cancelled
(Survey Result)

A total of 2,227 children were subjected to sexual abuse in Pakistan in the first half of the year 2023. Report Published by “Sahil” a non-profit organization working for the children’s protection – disclosed that on an average, 12 children in the country suffered sexual violence every day from January to June of the year 2023. In 2022, there were 4,253 reported cases of child abuse, half of which involved sexual abuse. More than half a million children are raped in Pakistan annually, but most of the cases go unnreported. Pakistan ranks third in online child abuse.

The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) reported that in 2023, there were over 270,000 web pages containing child sexual abuse imagery. This represents an 8% increase over the previous year. Additionally, the IWF found that Germany’s .de domain was targeted by criminals advertising “the most extreme types of child sexual abuse” in 2023. However, the IWF did not specify the number of child sexual abuse cases in Europe in 2023.

While talking to The Times of Liberland’s Correspondent, Ms. Shuaila Mukhtar, A Psychologist said that, “an individual who commits child sexual abuse often have complex psychological and emotional profiles, and may exhibit various mental health issues, such as Antisocial Personality Disorder, Pedophilia, Cognitive Distortions, Trauma & Mental Health Comorbidities. Firstly, Antisocial Personality Disorder Characterized by a lack of empathy, impulsivity, and disregard for others’ rights. Secondly, Pedophilia is a psychiatric disorder defined by a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children. Third, Cognitive Distortions is rationalizing or justifying their actions, blaming the child, or minimizing the severity of their behavior. Fourthly, we can define trauma as some offenders may have experienced trauma or abuse themselves, which can contribute to their own mental health issues. Last one is Mental Health Comorbidities which may cause depression, anxiety, substance abuse, or other conditions may co-occur with their abusive behavior.

Some possible signs that may indicate an individual has a sexual interest in children include:

  • Excessive interest in children or activities involving children.
  • Frequently seeking out opportunities to be alone with children.
  • Displaying unusual or age-inappropriate behavior around children.
  • Collecting child pornography or other explicit materials.
  • Making sexual comments or advances towards children.
  • Engaging in inappropriate touching or physical contact with children.
  • Showing a lack of boundaries or respect for children’s personal space.
  • Sexual Jokes with Children.

A rapist prisoner [XYZ] who is imprisoned in [XYZ] Jail said that “he has studied only up to 8th class. He belongs to an area where even today if a woman does not bleed on her wedding night, she is considered a sinner. My wife did not bleed on our wedding night. To confirm whether bleeding really happens or not, I raped a girl.”

Another sexual abuser, who was teacher in [XYZ Madrassa] imprisoned in [XYZ] Jail said that “I was teaching in a madrassa, away from my home and family for over an year. One day after the holidays, a child told me that [XYZ] has a mobile phone. I took the mobile from him and saw that there were porn videos in the mobile at which I was quite annoyed with the child. He later on came to me for an appology late in the evening and I suddenly thought that as the child has seen this sexual activity, he might be keen to perform it. I gave him an oppertunity to give a blind eye to content in his mobile if he agreed to perform the same sexual activity with me. And we mutually consented and performed the immoral act.”

A sexual Abuser [XYZ] who is imprisoned in [XYZ] Jail said that “I was in 7th standard and my classmates often used to discuss about masturbation. One day on my way back from school I thought as to what is this thing [masturbation] and what is it’s effect. I started masturbating oftenly and became addicted towards it. There where times where I used to masturbate four times a day. In our village there was a rumor about a child of a domestic worker who was sexually promiscuous. While masturbating, my desire for sex increased to an extent where one fine day I decided that whenever the boy visits our house along with his mother, I would have sex with him after work. But with the turn of the tales things did’t work out the way I desired and the mother came along with her daughter instead of the son. Since my mind was made, so I jumped on the oppertunity and rapes the girl, thinking that she [Mother of child] is a domestic worker and would’t have the courage to report this incident.”

Talking to the TOL, Doctor Junaid, President YDA Lahore wing said that “there is no a single circumstance that determines whether someone becomes a pedophile. Research suggests that pedophilia is likely caused by a combination of genetic, psychological, and environmental factors.” Most likely;

  • Abnormal brain structure and function.
  • Childhood trauma or abuse.
  • Mental health conditions such as antisocial personality disorder.
  • Exposure to sexually explicit material at a young age.
  • Living Environment (Place and Friend Circle)
  • Relative’s Bonding.
  • Sexual Content (Porn Videos, Lust Stories).
  • Seeing parents or relatives having sex.
  • Obscene talk in school or college.
  • Mass Media (News, Commercials).
  • Social Media
  • Movies and Songs
  • Strict Parental Behavior
  • Sexualization of Girls in the media
  • Domestic Violence

Discussing how cases of sexual abuse of children are treated according to Pakistani law, Barrister Aaimen Mufti said that “cases of sexual abuse of children and girls were previously registered under Section 377 of the Pakistan Penal Code, which means the “undue lust”, now it has been merged with Section 376 which deals with rape cases. A case of sexual assault is registered under section 376 after medical. Rape is detected in forensic reports about 6 months after sexual assault, if any form of protection has been used, then a complaint must be filed within 10 days. As time goes by, the evidence gets destroyed, but if the victim is able to provide any solid evidence, the case gets registered even after a long time. The minimum sentence in Pakistan is 7 years and the maximum is 14 years.”

Answering the question of how the criminals are released before the completion of thier sentence, Mufti said that “the trial is never strict because ofently the cases are fabricated. If the accused is found guilty he will face a life time in prison. Ofently the courts grants bail to the accused taking in view the malpractices of the society in setting up false cases in child abuse. And then the trail goes on with never ending dates and if the abused child’s family is lucky enough to prove the accused as guildy then the heavy sentence is handed over to the child sex offender, and justice is served”.

Answering the question of where is the deficiency in the law, Barrister Aaimen said that “the failure to prevent the incidents of sexual abuse is not the failure of the law. It is not related to law but to education. Most of the accused belong to an area where there is lack of education and they are unaware of the law and the consequences of committing child sex abuse.”

Talking to The Times of Liberland, Mr. Faisal Butt, the former chairman of Pakistan Red Crescent’s UK and Europe Managing Committee, said that “in Europe, the punishment of a person who abuses the children is set from 18 months to fourteen years. After that, his name is permanently added to the sex offenders list. He cannot work with the children anywhere and cannot interact with them. He cannot come within a radius of 500 meters of an unknown child. He can not teach in a school, nor can he coach in a children’s swimming club or gym”. He further said that “there is another law in Europe which implements on a person who applies for a job with an exposure to the children, which is to check the person’s name on the list of sex offenders. And that is their standard SOP.

In response to a question, Faisal Butt said that “castration is not practiced anywhere in Europe or UK because it is against the basic human rights. In Europe, every prison has a protection wing where the rapists and pedophiles are kept. This is because they are considered as vurnerable from the lifers in the prison as this is an unsaid unity between the inmates and the prison officers to punish the rapist and pedophiles”.

Ambassador at Large of Republic of Liberland to Pakistan & Nepal, Former chairman of Pakistan Red Crescent’s UK and Europe Managing Committee H.E Faisal Butt Talking with TOL’s Correspondent.

Responding to the question of how to protect the children from sexual abuse, he further said that “once every three months in Europe and UK, there is an awareness week where the children are taught how to protect themselves. How and who to inform if a stranger touches their private parts or forces them to induct in an immoral activity.”

Faisal Butt, while talking about the mental state of the criminals, said that “they are sex-deprived and timid people who groom innocent children to satisfy their immoral hunger. They attract the children by interacting with them in a friendly way which makes them attracted towards these demons and they evantually go on to achieve their evil desires.”

Talking to the TOL, Doctor Rashid Rasheed, The Chairman of Health and Education Organization (HEO) said that “It is my personal opinion that 90% of children are sexually abused in Pakistan but they are not reported. At the age of 14 to 15 years, whether it is a boy or a girl, the desire to have sex awakens. An easy target for men to fulfill this desire is children between the age of 4 to 8 year. The children of the rich are used by their drivers because the parents are swindlers, they don’t know what the drivers are doing, and the children of the poor becomes a victim in streets. Children in madrassas become victims because we are covered with a cloak of shame and modesty that if we speak, we will be disrespected.”

Forced adultery with a child has an effect on his soul that scares him for the rest of his life. He lives in the state of confusion for the rest of his/her life, which leaves a mark on the child’s soul.

To prevent child sex abuse, Education should be given about the law and its consequences. And people should be made aware of the diseases transmitted by this physical immoral activity. Further awareness should be created about the physical damages along with its future consequences. It is very important to make a bench mark example of a child sex offender by enforcing the maximum possible punishment according to the law of the land. A European-style sex offender list should be created where rapist and pedophiles should be registered with their CNIC’s and other complete bio data. Further more awareness weeks should be organised in educational institutions where the children should be made aware of the do’s and dont’s. Parents should indulge in their children’s day to day activities and keep a close eye on their surroundings and the people they interact with. Campaigns should be organised at the government level in which good touch and bad touch are advised. Children should have enough confidence to discuss things which they are not comfortable with and the parents should be supportive enough to calmly address the child’s issues. And to ensure that the child is kept away from strangers and unknown people. Do not let any stranger stay at your home except your family member. Child sex abuse awareness campaigns should be conducted in the remote areas ofently. The law should be amended to abolish the 14-year sentence and converted to a death sentence which will deter such kind of inhumane animals to think or perform such immoral activities.

#TOL #Thetimesofliberland #Childsexabuse #Sexeducation


3 thoughts on “Child Sex Abuse: The Circumstances That Creates A Child Abuser

  1. It’s wonderful information for aware of the society to preempt child abuses and to protect the society from this curse.

  2. Excellent piece of writing and well described the issue . Child abuse is all over the globe and it has been addressed in detail. Hats off to the journalist

  3. A very well written article with relevant information. It’s a must read for everyone. Thanks for spreading awareness.

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