The Times Of Liberland

Conducting elections is the beauty of any democratic country, Consul General Liberland to Pakistan

Lahore: The 16th general elections are being held in Pakistan on Thursday – 8th February 2024 and 128 million registered voters will decide the next government of the world’s fifth most populated nation.

H.E. Faisal Butt, Consul General Liberland to Pakistam, said in his statement that holding free and fair elections is a positive way forward to a true democratic country. Through elections, the new elected Parliament will be able to address the current challenges faced by Pakistan, such as political & economic instability, corruption, terrorism, illiteracy, poverty, unemployment, overpopulation, energy & debt crisis.

Talking about the diplomatic relations between Pakistan and Liberland, His Excellency said that we are keen to have close working relationship with the new upcoming elected Government. It has always been the endeavor of Liberland to establish good Diplomatic and business relations with Pakistan.

Liberland wants to play a key role in helping Pakistan to unlock its full potential and accelerate towards growth & prosperity


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